Saturday, October 8, 2016

Disney Pixar Blog Hop for October, 2016: Ariel's Twist and Pop Card

Welcome to the
Disney Pixar Blog Hop!

Disney and crafting are a magical combination, and we are so happy you joined us to day for this blog hop.  Some of the crafters participating in this event have been doing this together since 2011!  Over the years the hop has grown but one thing has always stayed the same . . . amazing crafting projects that feature your favorite characters from Disney and Pixar movies.

For 2016 we are going to have a hop every other month for the entire year!  If you missed one of the hops we already had this year, you can still go back and see the projects.  For February click HERE, for April click HERE, for June click HERE and for August click HERE. If you are on Facebook you can like the group page so that you can be the first to learn about each upcoming event.  Just click HERE to go the the Facebook page.

To make sure you don't miss any of the fun, be sure to start at Shawn's blog to see all of the projects.  Just click HERE to head over to Shawn's blog and then follow the hop line up at the bottom of the post to see everyone's projects.
For this month's Hop, I featured one of my granddaughter Charlotte's favorite Disney characters, Ariel. I used a trendy fold pattern called a "Twist and Pop Card" to make this birthday card:
Here's the cover of the 4"x6" card:
This paper is produced by Disney. I've had it in my stash for a while,
but I think I bought it at Michael's.
Now check out the motion on this card:
The card opens vertically from the top/bottom.
The 10" wide insert is on a cross-fold pop-up that twists.
The mechanism is a simple fold.
And here is Ariel sending her birthday greetings
(the inside of the card):
I accented the paper with Sparkle Gems and Silver Shimmer Trim, both from Close To My Heart.
I hope you enjoyed my project! 

Before you go, make sure to enter to win our prize for this hop . . .

We have a prize from Paper Wizard!  You could win one of their Mouse Wreaths, which is pictured in the image below!  This is perfect for a Disney scrapbook or to turn into a home decor item.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Good luck, and enjoy the rest of the hop!

The full blog hop line up is below.  


Shawn Mosch said...

I love the way this card pops open! Now I want to try and make one of those!

Thank you for being a part of this hop, my scrappin sistah!

Shawn ~
Crafty Chics Blog
and ~ Find your Cricut images FAST!

Anonymous said...

What an AWESOME card! I'm going to have to give this fold a try! Thanks for the great inspiration!!!!!

Lyn or Gary Meeker said...

Super cute! I love the way it pops open!

Anonymous said...

This is too cute I named my daughter after the Little Mermaid just changed the spelling.

Dawn said...

That is a unique way for the card to open. I have never seen this before. Cute.

Melissa Cady said...

I love this card! I actually think I have this paper stashed away somewhere too! Thanks for sharing!

Penny said...

Great card, I have never seen this folding technique before. Lovely Penny