But I digress! More on Shawn at Cricut Search ... Shawn tells me that she is adding a position locator for each page ... that would be really helpful, because it was a guessing game for me without the overlay. Some of Cricut's newer cartridges (see Car Decal, as an example) highlight the button position in red on each page. I'm pretty sure Shawn told me that she will have a numbering system. THANKS Shawn for putting in this work for us!!
Another shout out ... Right now, I have all of my cartridges stored in a not-so-portable drawer-bin system, arranged alphabetically, with their books and overlays in shoeboxes below. It worked when I wasn't hauling them to/from the shop which is just open on weekends (Fri, Sat, Sun). I'm now going to get myself at least one -- probably two -- Scrap'NTotes for those times (the shop, and crops) when I want to bring all my cartridges. Thank you to Marlo Letterle for her insight in developing this system (see blinkie at right for more info on that). It's on my Christmas wish list!!
OK, back to bed ... for those who know me, I have just two more days at my old day-job before having the rest of the week off, and starting the new day-job on Monday 12/6. I am hoping to spend this week cradling my new grandbaby -- my first! -- if only she would make her entrance to the world. She's too warm and cozy in Baby Mama, I think. Hurry up, Charlotte!!
In the meantime, more time for cardmaking!
Here is the basic recipe for this slider card:
Solid cardstock (heavyweight) cut to 8.5"wide x 7.5"high. Shown here in red
Solid contrasting cardstock (mid-to-heavyweight) cut to 3.75"wide x 6.5"high. Shown here in cream
Patterned holiday paper (light-to-mid weight) cut to 3.5"wide x 6"high. Shown here with holly leaves
Gingerbread men/ladies: One large, 3 medium. I cut the large one shown here using an old Sizzix die. I cut the medium ones shown here using a QuikCutz man/lady set (2x2).
Other items to embellish your card and gingerbread men/ladies. I used rick-rack at the bottom, which I embellished with gold Stickles. The large gingerbread man is holding a sign made using a Whiff of Joy stamp/die set, a toothpick and a bead to cap the toothpick. He is also decorated using a Martha Stewart holly punch, pink dots punched with a regular hole punch and dotted with pink Stickles; black pearls for his eyes; and a bow.
I created the "Gingerbread Greetings" banner using Adobe Illustrator software on my computer; I colored it with Copic markers.
On the slider insert, I placed a recipe for Gingerbread cookies.
If you would like specific instructions on how to make this slider card, just leave a comment and let me know ... I don't want to get overly detailed here during the hop. But if you want an illustrated guide including score lines, how to make the gingerbread man slide, etc., I'd be happy to post instructions on another post off-hop. Be sure to check back in ... or send an e-mail to me at cardmonkey@comcast.net. (Update on Saturday night! After more than 50 requests for them, I've posted the complete instructions here on the blogsite, on a separate page marked: "Requested Tutorials: Slider Cards." Go back to the home page, and look at the right hand column, top, and click on the new page.)
Special CHRISTMAS CARD BLOG HOP candy is being offered by CardMonkey as your reward for staying out of the mall, and joining us today!
Here's what you can win: Your very own custom-made Koozie Cover for your Cricut Expression!! Yes, yes, yes! CardMonkey will venture over to her sewing machine and make for one lucky winner a dustcover for your Expression, made in the complementing color of your choice, embroidered with the name of your choice! Keep it or give it away to your favorite Cricuteer ... makes a terrific, custom Christmas gift!
How to win:
1. "Follow" this blog for one chance to win.
2. Add a comment to this post for a second chance to win. Please let me know you're a follower in your post so I know you joined in. We all like affirmation, so let me know what you think of this card.
3. Link to the CardMonkey blog in your website or blog for a third chance to win, and let me know about it.
Okay, now on to the hop!! Here is your next stop in the hop (click the name):
If you've happened upon CardMonkey randomly and haven't started at the top, here's the official entrance ... go to:
If you're hopping around, here are the other participants with links to their blogs in case you've gotten lost along the way. There are some of my very favorite bloggers included, so you're bound to enjoy!
Shawn (YAY, for CricutSearch.com!!)