Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome Back - Day #2 of the Halloween Spooktacular Banners for Special Needs Kids Blog Hop

If you are here for the AUTUMN COLORS blog hop, please click this LINK.

Welcome to the annual Halloween Spooktacular Banner Hop for Special Needs Children!

I am delighted to host this annual hop, and to have joining with me more than 3 dozen other women who have each made at least one Halloween-themed banner that will be donated to hang in the room of a medically-fragile child at Pediatric Specialty Care in Pennsylvania.

I am privileged to work at PSC’s Bucks County site as Admissions Coordinator. PSC is a very special place where children stay either long- or short-term, typically after hospitalization, but occasionally when their medical needs reach a point that their families can no longer care for the child safely at home. 

Most of these precious children are dependent on ventilators and other technology to survive. Some have been born too early or with genetic diseases or birth injuries.  

Other children suffer injuries later in life that require constant care later, including brain injuries from trauma or loss of oxygen (from choking, suffocation or drowning) and spinal cord injuries.

These children and their families -- and PSC’s staff -- will be thrilled to receive the Halloween banners, to help brighten the season when their friends and siblings will be out trick-or-treating.”

Here is the banner I made for Day 2 that I am sending to a child at PSC:

My vision for this banner was to create a Halloween Parade, but the images were a bit fragile to use as stand-alone, so I mounted them on candy corn pennants. I think the sign the costumed characters were to be carrying ("Happy Halloween") looks a bit large and out of place, but ... well, aren't we our own worst critics?  

Like Banner #1, I used Meljen Designs' fantastic digital Halloween images, printed in black and white but this time on CRYOGEN WHITE paper, and then hand-colored each of the images using Copic markers. I mounted each of the images on cardboard and hand-cut (fussy!) around each of the characters.  I used my Silhouette Cameo (and a Silhouette Online Store file) to cut the candy corn pennant shapes. I mounted the characters onto the pennants using XPress it foam tape, and strung the pennants together using bronze colored tulle that I had on hand. Easy-peasy!

Today is Day #2 of the weekend's hop. Did you see yesterday's banners?  Be sure to visit on both days to see the truly inspirational work of these generous bloggers, and leave some love (comments) on as many sites as you can – because if you do, you can increase your chances to win some Spooktacular blog candy from these kind sponsors:

$25 Gift Certificate to Madge's Scrappin Lounge

 $15 Shopping Spree to Scrapping With Lisa Designs

Lucy Kelleher (
$10 Gift Certificate toward any CTMH product
Donated by Lucy Kelleher 
Independent Consultant for Close to My Heart 
Special entry requirements: To enter to win, you will need to leave a comment on Lucy's blog ( and become a follower of her blog. For an additional entry, "Like" her Facebook page at:
Limited to U.S. entrants only, sorry.
 $10 Gift Certificate toward any Stampin' Up product
Donated by Debi Weidleman
Independent Consultant for Stampin' Up. 
Limited to U.S. entrants only, sorry.

Two Cricut Cartridges ("Pretty Pennants" and "Mini Book") 
Donated by Erica's Craft Room

$25 Gift Certificate to Paper Temptress

To qualify to win one of these great prizes, please leave a comment on THIS (Hop Hostess Ellen ♥ CardMonkey's) blog site and answer this question: 

What was your most memorable 
Halloween costume, and how old were you 
when you wore it?

In your comment, please leave a way for me to reach you if you're randomly picked to win one of the prizes!  Leave additional comments (leave ♥love!) on as many banner makers’ sites as you’d like for extra chances to win! 

Prize winners will be announced on Monday, September 3 on the CardMonkey site, where there will be a round-up of all of the Spooktacular banners for 2012.

Please move on your way to the next stop, which is: SANDIE!  

Here is the full line up for today's banner makers in case you get lost or find broken links:
  1. Ellen ♥ CardMonkey -
  2. Sandie Dunne -
  3. Ashley -
  4. Lucy ~
  5. Dena ~
  6. Yvette ~
  7. Jamie ~
  8. Nancie ~
  9. Beth ~
  10. Erica ~
  11. Jearise ~
  12. Jenny -
  13. Lisa T.-
  14. Robin ~
  15. Jessica S ~
  16. Lori A ~
  17. Jenny D. ~
  18. Linda Simpson -
  19. Beckie ~
  20. Scrappin Madge:
  21. Jennifer R ~
  22. Debbie T ~
  23. Tami McD ~
  24.  Susan ~

On a very personal note, thank you again to all of the truly wonderful women who generously support the special needs children at Pediatric Specialty Care. Your love and kind spirit is unparalleled. I cannot begin to thank you enough for joining me in this cause.  The children whose lives you touch through your talent join me in gratitude....

DeFiaNtLy DiFfeReNt & CreAtiVeLy Yours,


Brianna loeffelbein said...

Wow such great banners !!! The best thing about the banners are they are going to a great cause. I feel for all these children and what they and there families have to go through. My brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor when he was 4, he is now 26 and suffers many side effects from tumor he had . I know everyone's story is different but I deffinatly understand.

Linda Simpson said...

Hello Ellen, just to say thank you for all your hard work in putting together this awesome blog hop for children who have a special place in your heart. I feel so honoured to be a part of this amazing blog hop.

Your banner is just awesome and I love the fabulous images.

Linda xxx

Linda Simpson said...

Just finished Day 2 of the blog hop and what an awesome array of banners.

I was 49 when I wore my first Halloween costume and I went as a witch ;) I had great fun too.

Linda xxx

Tracy said...

My favorite ...had to be the clown my sweet Grandma made me...I was under 9...cute Banner...I would love to do one at Christmas too =)) off to hop

Jenny said...

OMG! What a special banner for one lucky child!!! Thanks to you Ellen for organizing such a wonderful blog hop! Thanks to my friend Lori Apgar for getting me involved and posting my creation on my blog site. I'm a little "blog challenged". My favorite Halloween costume was at age six. It was a simple white sheet ghost costume. What made it special was that my FATHER made it. As a father of six kids he was never was involved with Halloween costumes. He made it "extra" special by putting a "Ghost license plate" on the back! LOL RIP dad! Love you!

silvia said...

Super cute banner!! LOVE the "candy corn"!!

jennifer said...

cute banner

raggedy ann

Unknown said...

This is gorgeous.. LOVE the candy corn and then all those wonderful characters!! I LOVE it!!!This is such a beautiful thing you are doing!!

Shawnee said...

Another fantastic banner, Ellen. When the boys were younger we used to do theme costumes because everyone felt we had to. My favorite was the year I made them Veggie Tales. I designed the costumes myself and since I didn't sew, I learned. I only learned just so they would have these cute costumes. It was my first attempt at crafting. Everyone knew who they were. It was so cute.

Denise Bryant said...

So many fun banners to see!
My favorite costume was when my daughter and I dressed as Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. She was in preschool so she was about 4 and I would have been 31! Her Tinkerbell costume turned out adorable!

Edwina said...

Hi Ellen, Love this banner too. I really like the candy corn background for the images. It looks great! Love the little ghost trick or treating. Thanks for sharing.I told you yesterday my favorite Halloween costume. Today I'll tell you one I had a hand in. My real dad got religion so after age 9 I was not allowed to trick or treat. My youngest brother is 8 1/2 years younger than me. When my folks got divorced I decided my brother would have good holidays. I had powdered paints I mixed with water. I painted his face like a monster. He wore jeans and an old shirt. I took him up 2 streets. My brother Chris who is 5 years older than the youngest met us and we went home and I painted his face. They went out to finish trick or treating. They had a wonderful time. It made me so happy. It is my all time favorite Halloween. Vincent was 7 years old than. Edwina Brown

Unknown said...

I just love your parade!!! Every good parade has candy too :)

I have to say that I have been thinking about all the costumes I wore as a child ever since I read your post yesterday!! Thank you for reminding me of that!!

I remember when my older brother was in 6th or 7th grade, he dressed up as a woman. He wore a LBD (little black dress) with sock "boobs", heels and held a cigarette holder. It was so funny to me!

Debbie T said...

Just love your banner, the images and colour of the background is great. :)

Donette said...

Awesome banners. I really like Sandie Shores. so much detail. They are great though.

My favorite costume was when I was she devil. The reason I like it the most is i remember it the most. I was about 6 I think.

Beckie said...

Awesome banner my friend.

Be blessed, Beckie

Gramjak said...

This was my favorite blog hop last year and it's spectacular once again! Your parade is fantastic!!!

kastenc at sbcglobal dot net

Gramjak said...

Whoops! Forgot to tell that my favorite was being a gypsy at age 5. It was 1945, and since we didn't have much sugar due to rationing, getting treats at school for Halloween was really special!

Jessica Buffa said...

Wow, Ellen, you have been a coloring maniac. Love the cute candy corn pennants on this one!
So happy to be a part of such a special event! Thanks for having me!
Jessica S

PapierGirl said...

What a wonderful caused and you may be truly blessed to be part of such a wonderful place to work, but I think they are truly blessed to have you! :)

Beth said...

Ellen: Cute candy corn background. I think my favorite figures are the cute robot and little ghost.

My mom made our costumes; I remember a horse costume around 2nd/3rd grade. It was fabulous and detailed with mane and all!

We're glad to be a part of the hop. Thanks for all you do! ~Beth & Emily

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

THis is wonderful and I love when you do these hops! Thanks so much for the inspiration and bringing awareness to us! I'm going to send you an email for the Christmas one, it sounds like a blast! Thanks!

cmarie said...

Yes you are your own worst critic. Because there is certainly nothing wrong with your banner. Wish I felt that I had the talent to do this. And as far as memorial costumes I really can't say, but I do have a very memorial halloween. A bunch of us kids from my neighborhood went trick-or-treating together one year and at one point I ended up at the end or behind everyone, not way behind mind you just at the end of the line so to speak. And all of a sudden from out of no where someone ran by and snatched my bag of hard earned candy. Wow was I heartbroken, so all the kids picthed in a little of theirs so that i would at least have some candy to take home. By the way i love your blog.
Cathy R.

Ann English said...

Not sure I have the stamina to make it to ALL of the sites on this hop-what an impressive group! I got here b/c Sassy Cheryl linked one of your participant's sites to her FB page...not only tremendous work but a truly inspired idea.
My eldest was a special needs child who spent entirely too much of his precious life in a hospital. These banners certainly would have cheered him. My third child was a teeny tiny preemie---but thankfully has grown into a 6'5" man!
Thank you all for doing this. Your work is beautiful!!!

Ann English said...

Me, again...most memorable costume---I was 12 and found this incredible old lady mask, an old man, too. I dressed in a suit that must have belonged to my mother in her youth, wore ankle socks, saddle shoes, a kerchief, and a cane. The little girl next door was my "Husband" She was younger than I, and a good bit shorter-we were quite the pair!

Krista's Paper Cafe said...

Your banner is really cute--I like that it is kid friendly.

I was a red m&m in college.

gypsyrps said...

What a beautiful cause. All the banners tugged at my heart knowing they would put such delight on all the children's faces. You are all such remarkable women!

My favorite Halloween costume was my cowgirl outfit. I wore it for many years starting at 6 years old. I still love Halloween.

Dena said...

I think the Halloween sign looks just fine! You did an awesome job coloring all of those images, too. Love the variety! :) Thanks so much for letting me be a part of this wonderful project, Ellen!

Dena Jones

Crafty Card Gallery said...

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of such a special hop. Sorry I'm late in posting.... your banners were great!

Janet said...

Finally a chance to hop through I love your banner those images are adorable and yes we are our own worst critics I think the halloween sign is perfect!
Thabks for all your hard work!!
Big Blog Hugs, Janet