Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gingerbread Friends - Hopping for Holiday Recipes!

If you're here for the Christmas Greetings Blog Hop, Click HERE please.

Welcome to the Christmas Card
and Cookie Blog Hop!

When my sweet friend Dena Jones (all the way across the bridge to Hawaii ... oh, how I wish there was a bridge!!) asked if I'd join in this fun, I was more than happy to oblige. If you'd like to start at the beginning of this fun and gather up some great recipes and crafting ideas too, click HERE to go to Dena's blog.

My cookie is the Classic Gingerbread.

How can you go wrong when this cookie gives your house a distinctly Christmas aroma?

Not mine ...  I can only dream
of being this talented!!

Of course, you can use your gingerbread to make festive Gingerbread Friends, as I did ...or use it to cut, bake and decorate all sorts of shapes. Have you tried to make a gingerbread house yet?  Perhaps that's a tradition I'll start with my granddaughter this year?

Anywhoooo, let me show you the card I've made to accompany some cookies.  There's a exterior "pocket card", with the pull-out Gingerbread Friends recipe inside:

More typically, I use this pocket card style as a "slider", where there item on the outside (in this case, it would be the gingerbread man) would move up and down when the insert was lifted. You can see last year's slider/Gingerbread card by looking at the tutorial posted in the right-hand side of my blog ... yes, over there....>>  

However, today, I wanted the recipe to be fully removable. 

As you can see, I'm much more comfortable in my craft room than my kitchen!!  Okay, you really can't see, because I didn't take a picture of the Kitchen Disaster I create when I am baking. Let's not go there!

I hope you'll try the Classic Gingerbread, in whatever form you cut the dough.

Now, before you head to the kitchen, I have a sweet (LITERALLY) bit of blog candy for you ... your very own kit to make some gingerbread cookies. I'll include some edible embellishments, a gingerbread man cookie cutter, and some cute Ikea magnetic storage tins that when you're done baking, you can use the tins to store your craft supplies!!

To win this gift, just leave a comment on this posting and be/become a CardMonkey blog follower.  In your comment, please tell me if you have a favorite Christmas memory of time spent with your Grandma ... I'm searching for a tradition for my precious Charlotte to share, and I'd like your help.
Also, please leave a way for me to contact should you win this very special prize!

Now hop on over to KERRI to see what sweetness she has in store for you!  Happy baking, and Merry Christmas!!


Marissa said...

Love your gingerbread cookies!

rissaflor atyahoo dotcom

Beckie said...

Cookies look YUMMY! That recipe card is so very pretty. And girl....if you ain't making a mess (crafting or cooking) you ain't having fun. LOL. The bigger the mess...the better the project. HAHA.

Be Blessed, Beckie

Cathie w said...

so cute and oh so yummy too Great hop idea


cema1cema said...

Your gingerbread cookies turned out great! Christina

mamawcindy said...

Your Gingerbread Cookies turned out so Cute! I haven't had one for years. Thanks for the chance to win. If I do,That would be a fun to make with my Grand Children. I'm already a follower. :0)
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
cindymarshall63 at hotmail dot com

Shawnee said...

Beautiful cookies. I love your card idea. It would make a great gift for a neighbor or friend. Merry Christmas!

Carla said...

Your cookies are so pretty. I love your card, it's adorable. Thanks so much for sharing.

sarah said...

Luv Gingerbread cookies..yummy!!

Dena said...

I LOVE your card!!!! And, of course, gotta love that Sizzix gingerbread man. He's my fave. I *heart* him. LOL! I love that slider card idea, too. I'm definitely gonna check out that tutorial. Oh, and you almost had me fooled for a sec. I thought you made that gingerbread house...until I read the caption. LOL! Thanks for joining my hop, Ellen!

Happy Holidays,
Dena Jones

Dena said...

Okay, I just checked out your tut and wanted to share how I "cheat" with the eyes. I cut two gingerbread men out and glue a piece of black cardstock in between for the eyes! LOL! Sometimes, I use googly eyes. Just depends how I feel and why I need the diecut. Just wanted to share that! :)

Marlene said...

Cute card! My mom decorated everything for Christams with gingerbread people. Everything. She passed away in Feb 08 and I just can't bring myself to bake any gingerbread. Some year. But I do enjoy looking at them. As for a holiday tradition with my grandma,,,she had a piggybank for everyone of her grandchildren, she would put change in all of them throughout the year and when Christmas came, she would take each of us to the store to shop for our siblings, parents. We always had just enough money, too!

Janet said...

Love your recipe the cookies look fantastic I must try some this year! TFS
Nice hopping with you!
Big Blog Hugs! Janet

An'Jenic G. said...

Yummy I love Ginger Bread Cookies and your card is just pretty!

Sorry to say that my Grandmother on my mom side past away before I was born. Never really had the chance to spend with my dad’s mom. Because we lived in a different state and my dad mom was one who cares more for her daughter kids then her son. Sorry I could be of help :-(

Crafty Card Gallery said...

Adorable Cards & the Cookies look yummy! You did a great job in making them look cute!!!
Sorry I'm so late in hopping but I just got my computer back.
craftycardgallery at gmail dot com