Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two follow-ups

For followers who were wondering how my homemade glue dots turned out, let me just say:


They did take about 48 hours to dry completely clear. When they're clear, there's less tackiness in lifting the sheets from the acetate.  I like that I made some in strips and some in dots; some dots are larger, some are smaller.  The larger dots work better than anything I've used in the past to adhere a variety of embellishments.

Scroll down to see the original post about how to make these yourself! 

And for those of you who have asked how my wrist is healing after burning it on microwaved gravy, here is today's follow-up picture. 

Yup, it still hurts a bunch but it's healing. I never knew how thin skinned the wrist area is, with so many nerve endings. Either that, or I am a complete BABY!!

Stick with me, friends. The best thing to make in your kitchen is RESERVATIONS!!!


Melissa said...

Ow! It still looks very sore! I agree...make reservations!

Lizzie Laine said...

wow Ellen that definitely looks painful. Hope it gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

Haha! That sounds like me and my kitchen.

Congrats on your glue dots though I don't think I have the patience for 48 hours of drying....

Hope your wrist feels better soon!


bernietom47 said...

Good to know the glue dots worked. I will try them.

You are not a baby. Burns are extremely painful. The skin is especially thin at the wrist and it is constantly being flexed which causes the skin to stretch and contract.
The best treatmen on earth for burns is Pure Aloe Vera. I keep Aloe Vera leaves in my freezer.
33 years ago I had boiling water spilled on my hands and feet. DH cut open the leaves and smeared the gel on my burns then put my hands and feet in ice water. The gel is thick and will stay in place as long as the water is cold. The next morning my skin was pink and a bit tender but I only had one tiny blister under my wedding rings where he hadn‘t gotten the gel. Keeping those leaves in the freeze is good insurance. Just pick up a plant at the nursery cut off the leaves, wash them and put them in a zipper bag, keeps for years.
Blessings Bernie

Shona said...

This is awesome! I've always wondered if they worked as well as the premade ones. I go through a lot of them, so this would be great for me to try. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I know this is late and your wound is healed by now but I thought I would share with you a tip. I burned my face and neck with microwaved calzone sauce when I was a kid working at a pizza place. Next door on the skywalk, ladies at an alterations business lathered me up with Watkin's burn creme. It was wonderful, took most of the pain away, but the best thing was that I don't have one scar. NOT ONE!! I have never gone without that little jar of cream since. So that's my tip for burns and thank you for sharing the homemade dots with us. -Lexie

Jenn, Adam, Evan, Christian and Emma said...

I linked to this post from Pinterest, but I can't find your original post on how to make the homemade dots. Do you have a link?? Thanks! :)

s. said...

Jenn - you can see the original post here: (not my blog, but I just tracked it down after following a pin!)

Adrienne said...

You said in your original post you tried two types of glue. Did one work better than the other?

Ellen Jarvis said...

Adrienne: Now that it has been about six months since I originally tried this, I'll have to evaluate and compare. (Yes, I'm still using the tons of glue dots I used from back then -- I made a LOT, and haven't PURCHASED any more since.) I'll repost shortly! Thank you for asking!

Karen said...

I didn't find the instructions when I scrolled down...
Use honey on the burn - best overnight with a bandaid and it kills the pain and heals the skin so nicely! REALLY!

Sharyn said...

cannot find the link to the glue dots

Denise Brown said...

So, which brand of glue did you think worked better? And it would be helpful for you to link the original post, because it took me a while to find it. Thanks! :)