Thursday, April 14, 2011

A little blog change...

Having decided that the jumping monkey was looking tired, I changed the background and the header of my blog today.  What do you think?  I'd really appreciate your suggestions!

Also, I added a gadget to the sidebar that now allows my followers to directly subscribe via e-mail.  Is this helpful to you?

Thanks for letting me know your thoughts.  I'm not a blog designer so the changes I can make are ... well ... those that I can figure out on my own.  One of these days I'll go for a complete overhaul.  Plastic surgery for my blog!!!


Unknown said...

I really like your header, the monkey in the cup is soo cute.
Melissa D

Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

You have my vote! The monkey and the coffee go great together. Everything looks good in coffee. :)
Nice job.


Jessica Buffa said...

Love the pale yellow for a background and all the colors as a whole. The monkey in the cup is adorable! I say, in the words of Bill & Ted....EXXXXCELLENT!

Tami B. said...

I think it looks great.

Unknown said...

cute, cute, cute!!!

Emily said...

From one monkey lover to another, your blog looks great :)

The Crafty Elf said...

I think it's great! Love the colours too, nice job!

Unknown said...

Love your new banner. You did just fine!!!

Pat N. said...

Very nice, love the new monkey face!

Unknown said...

I love the changes that you made the background and the yellow and that coffee cup with the monkey is oh so sweet. I like the changes and I am in the same boat myself tweaking and changing it a little at a time- glad to hear I am not alone in wanting to improve their blog page.

Cara said...

I think it looks great!


4kids4 said...

Loving it!!

~Sharon C.

flscraplady said...

I agree with you. I was ready for a change. You did good.

Trisha said...

Love the monkey in the coffee cup. Don't know how you did it, but, it sure is cute. Great new look.

Kimberly said...

Awesome,,hey you do it yourself, i have to pay someone to change mine...kudo's to you. I have to say your page loads faster without the jumping the face in the cup....cute

Raven said...

I remember banging my head against the wall when I first tried blogging. I love the new look!