Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Winner of my EmbEllies!

Congratulations to

JEN of
Jen's Unchartered

who was picked by
to win six of my handmade
card stick pins!

Here is a picture of some of the EmbEllies currently available to Jen, or I can custom-make other card pins in the color(s) of your choice.  Jen, just be in touch via private e-mail (to and send me your address, as well as any color preference. If there is/are any from this stock that is of interest, just let me know by describing where on the "wheel" the card pin(s) you want are shown.  (YES, I do have more than one of many of these!)

Now, only available to followers of my blog, if you are interested in purchasing any of these card pins, I will sell them at $3.00 each, or 2 for $5.00.  Please send me a private e-mail for ordering instructions or your custom request. 

Congratulations again, Jen!

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