Saturday, September 17, 2011

Welcome to DAY 2 of the 
"Dog Gone Fun" Blog Hop!  

If you've come from Kristy's blog, you're on the right doggie trail. If you've just come across my biscuits here, please go to Haidee's blog to start from the very beginning. Haidee has details on the Apple Shuffle blog candy for this hop, so don't miss out!

In keeping with Haidee's theme, "A Dog leaves paw prints on your , so rescue one today," I made this card that celebrates the joyful adoption of a precious pup:

To make this card, 
I used Cricut's "Paper Pups" cartridge, 
a snip of plaid paper stock 
trimmed with a paper punch 
and tied with a bow.  
I computer-set and printed the sentiment.

Here is the inside sentiment, also computer-set and printed:

(sorry for the lousy photo!)
If you missed this Hop yesterday, I hope you'll scroll down to see the layout I created to celebrate the Muttrimony of my Bichon pups, Sadie and Morgan. The layout is new (=procrastinated!), but the wedding was in 2007 -- four years ago! That's 28 dog years!!

Before sending you off on your next stop on the hop, let me tell you about the BLOG CANDY I have to offer personally for the Dog Gone Fun Blog Hop:

One follower to this CardMonkey blog who leaves a comment on this post and/or yesterday's post will win a:

A comment left on both days = 2 chances to win! YAY!!

Well, thank you for visiting!  
Now for your agility test ... run through to the next post along the Dog Gone Fun Blog hop by jumping over to Stacey at

If you're a lost little puppy, go back to the start
at Haidee
for the complete line-up.

Remember, dogs leave paw prints on your ♥
So rescue one!

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

The following card has been brought to you in living color by our sponsor, CardMonkey!

Follow along ... CardMonkey's 100 Day
Countdown 'til the Big Guy....

DAY 98 'til Christmas!!

RECIPE for this card:
Cricut "Paper Pups" cartridge for image. 
Add Santa hat, bone and wish list.
Merry Christmas ribbon from stash,
Christmas scrap paper from stash

Inside the Christmas card!


silvia said...

Adorable card!! Your furbabbies are just darling!!

Josie0602 said...

My son has a Bichon too and they are the cutest little dogs! I love the photo of their Muttrimoney!

My Happy Place by Vanessa said...

Love your card and your LO from yesterday too! Sweet story:)

~Vanessa W
baboo7192 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

just to cute!

Charlotte said...

Oh, I love your card. It brought tears to my eyes. The photos of the pups are just precious. I will have to show them to my sister, who has two Bichons, Lucy and Cody who is a rescue, due to the economy) He ws with a rescue group at Petsmart two years ago. My brother- in- law and neice had gone there to buy Lucy's food. They left with Cody, his papers, and vet records since birth. He had been well cared for by a previous owner. But due to a death in that family, loss of a job, moving to another state, and the economy, the lady gave Cody to a rescue to find him a hime. he is a lucky dog. He went from one good home to another. My parents had a Bishon that was aalso a rescue. His name was Cotton We saw him in a pet store many years ago. They were going to have him put down, because they said due to company policy, he could not be sold because he was not perfect, only one testicle. We negociated with them that we would buy a bag of dog food for $350.00 and take him with it. That was half the cost of the dog. We didn"t care about the testicle because he would be nutered anyway. We took him home and to the vet the next day. He had both testicles. One had just not dropped yet. Can you believe it. Cotton was one of the prettiest Bichons I've ever seen and such a sweet quiet, well mannered little by. he lived 14 years and gave my parents so much joy!

I have three little dogs and one is a rescue. You may see them on my blog. Thanks for a fun blog hop!

Judy said...

Hi, I am back for day 2 and I REALLY, really hope you will go visit my blog and read about what happened to us within an hour of finishing your hop yesterday:-)

Krista's Paper Cafe said...

Back for day two--just a few of us. Nice to hop host with you. Today's card is so sweet. I sometimes use the comp and printer with my cards too. The Cmas card is really cute too. I might have to use that idea!
(no need to enter me in the drawing)

smyiow said...

Another great post! I forgot to tell you yesterday that I loved the shoes! They are fabulous!!

Cathy's Obsessions Still said...

Love your blog, your story and your cards!!

LadybugCarrie said...

What a super cute and sweet card! Thanks for sharing! :-)

Scrappin' Sista said...

Love it. These cards are cute too! Amazing job! TFS and scrappy hugs!


Beckie said...

Super cute! I love doggies. The cards are great.

Be Blessed, Beckie

Star said...

Sadie and Morgan are so dear--and your cards are so special.

Michelle said...

These are both so cute.