Monday, June 22, 2015

Quick Thank You Card Using "A Ton" Stamps

Happy Monday!

I've been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to clean my craft room, and I keep getting distracted by all of the fun stuff I have to use!  (Can you say: "Attention Deficit??")

One of the great new stamps I've gotten in the mail recently is a set by a "couture" stamp manufacturer called "The Ton".  They have some pretty layered floral stamps that I'd been eyeing up, and this "Wild Peonies" spoke to me. It stamped beautifully in CTMH Honey Exclusive Ink, with the leaves in CTMH Topiary.

Now I have never seen yellow peonies before so I kind of think I made them up, but I like the yellow and green for today. The "Thank You" stamp is from Heidi Swapp -- and frankly, no matter what ink I used or paper I used, the stamp was just plain ol' blurry.  I can't recommend it, though I think I got the mini-set for about $1.00 at Michael's so who am I to complain?  I went over the sentiment in a marker, of course, after I finished my stamping of the flowers, and naturally, it smudged. Oh well. We hand-crafters can't always be perfect, right? 

I matted it up with some CTMH Topiary and Black papers, and sandwiched between is a scrap that I discovered in my clean up/out.  Just a quickie card, and back to clean up. Phew, I just cannot believe how much STUFF ... I mean, crafty goodness ... I have up here in my Paper Jungle!


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely beautiful!! The peonies look gorgeous in that honey tone! (and I did not and still do not notice any blurry sentiments) :) Can't wait to see what else you create :)

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