Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hey All You Witches! This One's For You!

Bubble, bubble ... toil and trouble! What would the Halloween season upon us be without a Halloween card or two?

Here was a quick and easy one, using a postcard image I purchased from an Etsy shop online. I thought the "tea party" among witches was a fun image worth sharing.

I trimmed up the postcard a bit (sorry about that, Witch #4, far right who is no longer at the party) to fit on a fun 5.5x5.5" cardstock I purchased at JoAnn's. Seasonal black/web paper became a perfect backdrop, with a few of the spiders in orange fussy-cut to serve as photo corners.

It still needed a little more, so I glittered up a web and dropped a spider onto the lower right, held in place with a pop-dot. I only had super-sticky clear pop-dots left in my collection, which left the eyes of the spider exposed ... so I covered that sticky with glitter. I like the glitter look.

Inside: A typeset message reading: "Best Witches for a Happy Halloween!"

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