Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blog Candy Winner and Holiday Greetings

First up, CONGRATULATIONS to my winner of blog candy from the Celebrate Freedom Blog Hop, who will receive the soon-to-be-a-collector's-edition, the last-ever issue of Scrapbooks Etc. magazine (August 2012).  

That winner is ....drumroll, please ... 
(Michele's Craft Room)

For the holiday, nothing unusual here: I plan to stay out of the heat (damned cast!) and will likely spend a good bit of the day crafting. What about you?  I hope it's a fine day for you and your family!

DeFiaNtLy DiFfeReNt & CreAtiVeLy Yours,

1 comment:

Jennifer McLean said...

oooh, love your flag banner, very nice. congrats to the winner.

hugs to you, sweetie,