Saturday, March 26, 2011

Disney Pixar Blog Hop: A Magical Journey!

Note: This posting has been revised to include both the Disney Pixar Blog Hop #1, as well as the Disney Pixar Blog Hop #2.  Comments #1 - 203 were on the first Blog Hop; Comments # 204 and higher are from the second Disney Pixar Blog Hop, and later.  This was modified to accommodate a hop posting snafu, to avoid broken links.  Sorry if this causes any inconvenience!! 

This posting was made on Day #2 (May 1, 2011) of the reprised Disney Pixar Blog Hop. While I am not an official stop in the line-up on today's portion of the Hop, it has come to my attention that some visitors were inadvertently linked to my first (March 26) set of Disney projects, not my Pooh Treehouse made especially for April 30.

So I'm reprising my reprise!  LOL!  And as a special treat, I'll briefly show my projects from Hop #1 as well -- so we're all caught up.

Like the first version, this hop is co-hosted by my "pixie Sistah" Shawn at and Melissa at These two lovely women are Disney fanatics and two of my very favorite friends. Kudos to them for organizing this great hop!

I'm very excited to show you my project I made for Day #1. I had the idea to do this after my last hop, and I just love how this turned out:

To make this "treehouse," I used an SVG Cuts birdhouse box as the base, cut in brown with a green roof. This cutting file shows the birdhouse with birds and flowers decorating it ... I like to use it as a base, and come up with my own designs for the embellishment. The birdhouse opens (which I'll show later), so I could stuff this with gift items, tickets to the movies or DisneyWorld, candy, etc.

I used Cricut's Pooh and Friends cartridge to cut Pooh, the Hundred Acre Wood sign, the sun and the tree branch. Everything was cut at 4". For the tree with the striped pattern, the kite and a window on the left side (hidden), I cut pieces from one of my favorite Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker LLC papers called "We Are Family". Below are a few of the fun details of this project.

Here is how the box opens up -- the roof comes off, with its embellishments firmly attached.

Here are a few of the little details that make this special, I think.

Pooh's kite string is wound around a paper "stick".
Glimmered flowers, sprayed with Creative Juices
CardMonkey Glimmer Mist (homemade) and Stickles.
Trimmed in dried lilacs in the grass edge.

Now how about a little BLOG CANDY: I've bought a sweet EK Success Disney 12x12" scrapbooking kit for the winner of my blog candy. It contains 121 pieces including 6 sheets of patterned Disney papers, a sheet of glitter alphabets, 2 sheets of dimensional stickers, and pages of decorative borders and elements. ADORABLE!!

To win: (Update: Winner has been chosen, thank you!)
  1. Be or become a follower of the CardMonkey blog! This is mandatory, and I do check. I put a lot of work into my projects and $$ into my blog candy and its shipping ... it's really the least you can do!
  2. Leave a comment here, and answer this question: What is your favorite Disney movie? Please include a way for me to contact you in the event you win the blog candy.
  3. Don't forget to look for the Hidden Mickey on both Day #1, and Day #2. Follow the instructions on Shawn's posting as to where to leave a comment (reporting where the Hidden Mickeys are) to be eligible to win the Grand Pooh-bear of all Blog Hop prizes, a Cricut Gypsy!  For my loyal followers who have made it this far, I'll offer a hint: on Day #1, look at the LAST stop!!

These are the projects I posted on the First Disney Pixar Blog Hop, just in case you missed them then: 

I have two projects that I did for the March 26-27 Disney Pixar Hop:

Paper-pieced Mickey from Cricut's "Mickey and Friends" cartridge.

For that Hop's second project, I made three Disney-themed scrapbook layouts to document my daughter's trip there in 2009.  (She started the scrapbook and then got swept away in planning for her new baby... we all know how priorities shift then!)

(I'm sure you can get the gist of these layouts ... I smudged the faces of those pictures I posted to protect their privacy.)

Combined cuts from Cricut's Christmas Noel cartridge with Mickey and Friends

No Cricut cartridges used here ... just Disney-themed paper, Stickles and a sticker

Made using Cricut's Mickey and Friends cartridge
♥ Thank you, Shawn and Melissa ♥
for hosting this VERY fun Hop!


1 – 200 of 232   Newer›   Newest»
What's up Duck? said...

"Being, or becoming, a follower on my blogsite please."

"Leaving a comment on this post."
Eh...Hello! Nice blog you have here. Everyone loves a mystery, and with a Disney theme you can't go wrong can you? :)

"Having your name randomly selected by Random.Org from the comments posted on this post."
Hmm might have to work on my mental powers to do this one. LOL just kidding. It's been nice to meet you!

Jill Angel said...

I'm a follower. Great projects! Thanks for the chance to win!

labsuper said...

Thanks for the hop stop!

Anonymous said...

Great Disney Layouts. I have 2 trips to scrap yet!

Linda Hayes said...

Love the layouts.

Tammy said...

Wonderful layouts...Love the added picture to the Tigger one. New follower....thanks for the chance of winning on this blog hop.

Kim M. said...

Great layouts!

Following your blog.

Barbara Harrell said...

Great layouts-thats for sharing.
Barbara Harrell

Rebecca said...

Great projects! I really need to pull out my Disney carts and catch up on my projects. Thanks for the inspiration!

Christine said...

Love the projects and the ideas. Thanks for a chance to win

Shawn Mosch said...

Love the card (my birthday is July 18th if you need some place to send that one) :)

And I love that you called me a Pixie . . . I have compared myself to Tink in the past . . . sassy, yet classy.

Thank you so much for being in this hop Sistah!

Unknown said...

Fabulous job Ellen!!!Your LO's are awesome and I love that card!!

Mary said...

We are planning to take our 3 grandsons to Disney next year. I'm one of those scrappers.. take pictures.. file.. forget.. then when the kids get older.. "find" them.
With your blog, and those of the other "Hoppers" I'm going to be Pro-Active and start those pages now!
Thanks for all the ideas
P.S. I really would like to win.. ;}

Unknown said...

Love your projects, they turned out awesome. TFS, I am a new follower. On to the next blog in the hop. :) Thanks for the chance to win a prize. :)
Melissa D

jennyrb78 said...

I am now a follower! Love your cards and layouts!

Liz marrero said...

Tried to become a follower getting errors love your cards.

davesangel said...

Love all your disney Layouts. Would love to be there for Christmas as it is my birthday. but tigger is my favorite

doverdi said...

Love your layouts. I really do have to get playing this cartridge. I'm already a follower. TFS!

Paula said...

Am following now and love your stuff. It is so nice to have some new inspiration!!!

Mary said...

Love the layouts but especially the card! Now I am a follower!!

mitz said...

fantastic ideas.. you have such a talent..
( became a follower ) thanks for the opportunity

cropnmoomsie said...

I just became a follower. Great layouts!

Patti said...

I really like the layouts, but love the card. Simple but terrific.

Emily said...

I'm a follower! Love your Disney items! Makes me want to break out my Disney cartridges and get to work! :-)


Melissa said...

Loving it all Ellen! Where did you find that red with white rick-rack?? I need some of that! It just screams "DISNEY"!! ...and how perfect did that little face fit on Tiggers head?! So cute!

Thanks so much for being a part of our hop!


Prettiful Creations said...

Love the card, and the layouts are wonderful. You have amazing talent.

Unknown said...

Cute Mickey card and love those scrapbook pages especially Tigger.


Doris P. said...

OMG!! LOVE the card.. so wanting these cartridges!! became a follower... will def follow this blog and will dig a little deeper into the blog hops... Doris

Dawne said...

I'm a follower. Great card! I love the classic characters!

KAT said...

i'm getting some great ideas for my layouts from you girls...i have the cart and haven't used it yet.


Lillian Child said...

I'm already a follower of your delightful blog and who doesn't love everything disney! Love your card!

Ruth said...

Done and done! Great layouts!

Sharing little notes on my own blog to encourage others to come on the hop with me ... Adding to it as I hop ...

Robin said...

Tigger is my fav. Thanks really nice layout

With Love and Confection said...

I'm now a follower - nice work!

Angel said...

What a great blog hope. I really love Disney, Its always just right for the whole family. All the movies are great. I can't pick a favorite. Thanks for the fun.

Tami B. said...

Your projects all turned out great. Our last trip to Disney was at Christmas time too, so we had Christmas with the Mouse also. Happy Anniversary!

Barbara Greenberg said...

love all the Disney ideas. Have old disney trip pics to scrap and leaving for there in 10 days again and can't wait.

C&M Creations said...

Love all the projects!!!

Vicki said...

Great layout and card. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. (And congrats on the new grandbaby).

vwilson577 at

Brenda said...

Awesome card and layout!! I am now a follower. Thank you for the chance to win!

Amanda said...

I am just loving this blog hop! Great projects!

Amanda (

Jessica said...

Wow what great creations! I love Tigger! He was my first creation when I got my Disney Pooh and friends cartridge! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Jessica

Rhonda Emery said...

cute layout

Elizabeth Carswell said...

Nice layouts!

Brenda said...

Great card and layouts! I just love Disney.

tandkparker said...

Don't we all just love Disney! Your card and layouts were awesome! Makes me feel like I should get back to work on our Disney/Florida Trip.

Lisa said...

Love the card and LO's. thanks
shop2udrop at embarqmail dot com

erin s said...

Love you stuf! Thanks for the inspiration.

Sugarlips said...

Adorable. I love tigger!

at yahoo
dot com

paprpiecekitty said...

Wow! How much fun. Great ideas.

lindagk23 said...

Your card and layouts are so super cute! Thank you for sharing! lindagk23ataoldotcom

motherloves3 said...

I love your layouts. Such great ideas. Love Disney.
motherloves3 at hotmail dot com

TinaGAle said...

Love your layouts!! Enjoying the hop. So glad to play along
my scrapmail @ gmail dot com

CA Scrapper said...

Such cute ideas, thanks for sharing. I am already a follower.


cascrapper at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

Great layouts and that card is adorable. I am already a follower of your blog. Can't wait to come back for your other Hop after I finish the Disney Hop. Happy Anniversary!

ksully4597 at gmail dot com

Melissa Pearson said...

Fabulous job!! Love how you blurred out Tigger's face as well. Thanks for the chuckle.
Am now a follower =)

melpearson at hotmail dot ca

Txangel528 said...

Really wonderful projects! Thanks for sharing!

Dawn, RI said...

Very cute projects. I really like them.
Dawn RI

Denise-Scrapmouse said...

Great projects! Especially love the Mickey card. So simple and so cute! Thanks for sharing.

coupondenise at live dot com

Christine said...

Great Creations! Love the layouts!

Tammy said...

These layouts rocks!! TFS
otrbanks at earthlink dot net

D said...

Your disney card and layout are gorgeous! I love how you put a circular picture in the Mickey hat.

Cheryl said...

Thank you for sharing all your wonderful Disney creations!!

Unknown said...

Love the layouts. Thanks for sharing.

Kim said...

How Cute are your LO'S!! I just love them all:)
kfordyce6638 at gmail dot com

FifthAvenueGirl said...

Love those layouts! Thank you for sharing your talent and for the chance in this blog hop!

Anonymous said...

Love the ideas and the chance to win!

lakau said...

Wow great layouts you have done!!
Enjoying seeing all the different ideas out there.

Kaitlin said...

Super cute layouts!:)


Tamara said...

I love the card and the layouts! Good job! TFS!
sweetheartcopper at msn dot com

Kathy said...

Love your projects! Thanks so much for sharing!
kmgillon at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower of your blog. Thanks for sharing the card and layouts they are adorable.
reanie at valornet dot com

Bunnyfreak said...

I am a follower.
Love the tigger page you made.

Lara said...

I love the Tigger page and everything you did-wonderful! I am now a follower!

clev said...

Oh those pages are awesome! The roller coaster one came out really amazing. I love them all. Thank you for sharing them with us!

Unknown said...

Love the card and the layouts are great,TFS.
debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

Erika said...

Fabulous projects!!! Love them all.


Tambo said...

I am already a follower, from this morning's other blog hop. Your page layouts are great. I am getting ready to do some our Disney pictures. Very good. I love the card too. I have the Cricut die to make this Mickey. I bought it for the page layouts, but he makes a cute card too.

Janice said...

All Disney All the Time! I love it!!!


tlc said...

I am a follower now of this blog. I am in the middle of scrapping our trips to Disney and this blog hop is just perfect for ideas. Thanks for the chance to win,

Judy said...

Thanks for the great ideas and chances to win! I am going to the other hop, too. I did become a follower. Have a wonderful day.

The Craft Princess said...

WoW!!! I have never done a Blog Hop before...never even heard of them until now. This is fun. Thanks not only for the projects but for letting me know there are other Blog Hops! This is going to be an adventure :)

morgansmom2000 said...

I'm a follower!

Great work,

zenderzoocrew said...

Love your projects. Thanks for the chance to win!

Maquel said...

Great projects!! Love Disney Stuff!!! I'm an old follower!

mderosby at gmail dot com said...

nice projects and I have been a follower for a while now!! TFS!!
ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

Jae said...

Great projects! Love Mickey Mouse!! TFS :)

cdm317 said...

Who doesn't love Disney! That Tigger is Tiggeriffic!
C dm3 1 7a t y a ho od ot c o m

Creative Diva said...

Layouts are awesome! Great job! Thanks for a chance to win! Already a follower!


Unknown said...

I love your pages for the Disney trip. Great Ideas.

Josie0602 said...

I am a follower (Have been for quite a while!)
Cute Disney projects!!

jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net

DeDe said...

I'm a blog newbie--this is my first and I love the ideas and layouts. I'm a little challenged in moving around and finding where to comment. I only own the Disney alphabet, but now I'm rethinking the purchase of Disney. Very fun!

Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

Great card and los. I am a new follower.

Jenny V. said...

Beautiful scrapbook picture, love your LO's. Great family pictures. Thanks for sharing.


Brenda said...

I love all of your projects! They are all so nice that it is impossible to choose a favorite! Thanks for sharing!

Mary said...

They are all adorable, but I love the X-mas with micky.
Thanks, Mary

Bea said...

Love the layouts, so cute!!!!!

Crafter of many trades, master to none. said...

great projects ! thanks for sharing.

pruttybird said...

Love your layouts ... and you're definitely right, I just might have to "lift" them :) I am follower :)

pruttybird at comcast dot net

Anniebee said...

Hi, Ellen! Great projects, all! I especially love the card as that's my specialty. Thanks so much for sharing and for offering a chance to win some awesome surprise candy! I'm already a follower.

lucyblueeyz at yahoo dot com

brittmartin0910 said...

Great card and layouts! Thank you for sharing and the chance to win.

Mary Ellen Maggard said...

Your layouts are worth scraplifting. Great job. thanks for sharing.

A Rup Life said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! Love the layouts and the cards!!
lisarup1 at

Unknown said...

Love your layouts!! Did you put glitter on the rollercoaster tracks on the second of your 3 pages or did the page come like that?

CurlyQ1703 said...

Thanks for sharing! Im now an excited follower. Great projects

Sheila817 said...

Now I am a follower.. Cute card and pages! Really like the Mickey card...

Cherie said...

I am a new follower, and I LOVE your layouts!! So Amazing. I still have to scrap mine from when I went to Disney World in 2008 for my birthday/honeymoon weekend! Thanks for sharing!!

cherie.goyer at

Jen Muller said...

New follower! Cute projects!! :)

Unknown said...

I love your projects Ellen.

Jacqueline said...

Hi Ellen,
New follower - great projects - I like the mickey bday card - so cute!!
Hugs. Jacqueline
... i invite u to join me on my blog on Friday April 1st for the April Bunny Blog Hop (I will have a ton of prizes)

Chriss America Real said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful day!

I am now a follower!

I love your cards! I don't own any Disney Cartridges, but I have decided I need to buy some!

Susan R. said...

Wonderful ideas

Jawstiles said...

I love the card! The layouts are great too!

Amanda said...

Super cute!! I am a follower. TFS!

amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

SiskiyouSue said...

Love the cards! I've ordered my first Disney cart, can't wait for it to arrive!

katieo said...

Great pages. i must get a Disney cartridge. I already follow you

Marie-Claude said...

I really like the layouts. Thanks for the amazing ideas on how to incorporate the Disney characters in scrapbook pages.

Becky Dunham said...

Every time I visit your blog, I enjoy myself :) This time was no exception - I love your projects but I also love your wit :) I am a long time follower of your fabulous blog!

rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Cute layouts!!! I also love the card! That's one of my favorite Mickey cuts

Thanks for sharing!!


Anonymous said...

Love your card and your layout is fanastic! I just became a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Disney & Pixar...what a great hop and blog candy tyty for the chance to win !!!!!following you is an ez thing to do !!!!

~Danielle~ said...

You busy busy girl! Thanks for still doing these great projects and giveaways!! Danielle
drcdmc21 at yahoo dot com

shanna13 said...

I loved your card and layouts! TFS Susan

SherriC. said...

super cute LO's and your card is really cute too!!!! TFS!!!
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

Nette said...

Great card and layouts! Thanks for sharing. I am now a follower.

netter at q dot com

Gramjak said...

Definitely a follower -- loved, loved loved your Disney creations!

Many thanks for the wonderful ideas!!!

kastenc at sbcglobal dot net

Unknown said...

Great projects TFS!! Also thanks for the chance to win!! I am following you on Networkedblogs and google.!!

Hawks Nest Hobbies said...

Super cute layouts!
Debbie H.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow. Great job! I love the layout with the rollercoaster. How did you do that? Beautiful! I'm a follower (forgot to mention that earlier).


jenni said...

Fabulous LO, Tigger is soooo cute!

Maria said...

Really great projects! I especially love the Tigger one!

Totally Twisted Cards said...

Love the Tigger LO. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the blog hop and a chance to win.

stacy at mycraftingtime dot com

Sheila said...

Your card is very cute - love the ric-rac ribbon. All three of your layouts are great - so sweet of you to pick up where your daughter left off - babies do have a way of changing things. :)

Kristie W. said...

Oh I just love your projects for the hop, especially that Christmas with the Mouse page! Super cute!! I'm a new follower and thanks for the chance to win.

tina said...

love the layout. very original.

Anonymous said...

Very Cute...magical, like Disney!

Tammy said...

What a great card & layout! You make me want to scrap!! :)

4kids4 said...

Great card..who doesn't love Mickey?? Wonderful layouts...guess I'm not the only one who needs to catch up!! :-)

~Sharon C.

harleygram said...

Great projects!!

Cyndi S said...

Love your projects. What wonderful detail in the dot for the "i" on Christmas. Love it.
cstephenson at q dot com

Emily said...

Cute card and fabulous lo's. Nice work :)

Emily (coolcricutcreations at yahoo dot com)

Aimee said...

Thanks for a chance to win, everyone loves a surprise!!! Super cute Tigger page. :) And I am now a follower!

Michelle said...

I like the roller coaster page...We just got back from Disney.

CathyinMN said...

Such a fun b-day card and great LOs. I especially like the roller coaster page. TFS!
tcsobotka at charter dot net

Vickie Leaf said...

I really like your layouts. My favorite is the the Mickey head with pictures. The Tigger one is great too. Thanks for the ideas.

Amanda said...

I like your layout very cute

Turnedgypsy said...

very cute......would love to win this awesome prize...already a the project...

Shauna said...

Great layouts! Love the card!!!

Cute blog!

Danielle said...

LOVE the Mickey birthday card. I still have my Mickey Mouse from when I was little, I just love him.
I have just become a follower too.

Tiffany said...

Super cute projects! I'm already a follower and can't wait to see what you make next :) TFS


Manhattan Mandie said...

All of your projects are awesome!!!! Already a follower :) Hope you will check out my blog too!

Linda said...

Love your layouts.

Christine said...

Love the layouts. not as much as I love Disney!

JANLYNN said...

Cute card and nice layouts. It was very thoughtful of you to finish them for your daughter.

scrapperbecka said...

Love the card and the layouts are so cute

lmshaggard said...

Just became a follower - thank you for sharing your projects with us!! The card and layouts are do cute!

bcriminger said...

I love the tigger cut out face! I'm a follower, pick me!

kckid68 said...

Love your card and layouts. Mickey is my favorite!!

the 2 Pink Ladies said...

I love your layouts! You did a great job!
hdhall6002 at sbcglobal dot net

Cathie w said...

so cute love your layouts TFS!!!


Unknown said...

I was here for the "other" hop but will have to do this one too! I'm a follower, thanks for sharing!
stampinlara at yahoo dot com

Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

Love your LO's Im a new follower.

Lisa said...

Loved your projects. I am a follower.
You can find me at TFS.

AJoy said...

Love the LOs.

nginerd at gmail dot com

Anna said...

Great card and awesome layouts. Just wonderful.
I'm a follower.
Thanks for the chance to win.
http: // mamawann. blogspot. com/
annadowdy at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

I'm a follower of your blog and I loved you Christmas layout.... too cute.
mpetrovich23 at yahoo dot com

karensk said...

Love your card and envelope, great job. I am a follower
Thanks for sharing
karenk3 at ameritech dot net

Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

Awesome projects, Thanks for sharing all of your projects.
Katsews at gmail dotcom

Gloria said...

Such great projects! thank you for sharing:-)

memorytime said...

Great ideas. Thanks for sharing!!!

Love to scrap Lyndra said...

Awesome layouts, thanks for sharing.

dbjb1519 at yahoo dot com

Mary said...

What cute projects, I love the Tigger, with the picture in the face. so cute!
mary3mom at yahoo dot com

drue said...

I love the Disney projects and that love your neighbors card great creativity,

jengd said...

Cute stuff. The card is adorable and I really like the album- not overly ornate.

Leslee said...

Great Disney layouts.

Leslee in MT

Stuff-n-Such By Lisa said...

Cute card, awesome layouts!
Thanks for the Ideas!
Lisa H.
lisastuf at gmail dot com

Lynda said...

Very cute card and beautiful layouts!

Thanks for sharing!


rlamm1 at gmail dot com

Jen said...

Great projects, Ellen! I especially love the Mickey birthday card. I am a new follower and I can't wait to check out the rest of your blog.

~ Jen @ Musings of A Crafty Mom

BuzzyBeeCottage said...

Love your projects. Tigger is my favorite. TFS

aremus said...

Great projects. Very cute LO. TFS!

Amandaremus at gmail dot com

Shawnee said...

Very cute card and such beautiful layouts. TFS!!


Donna said...

Just became a follower! Love your Mickey card! And, your layouts are just adorable!

Blessings, Donna

Leah said...

I just became a follower ... I love your Mickey card... it's great!!!! Love your layouts as well.


Ms_Dee said...

Love your card and LO.....Also just became a follower.....TFS....

Ms_Dee said...

Hehe.....That monkey is absolutely adorable.....(hehe...)

Misty said...

As usual, lovely projects!
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

Amyscats said...

I'm a new follower! Enjoyed the layouts and really love the card, great use of rickrack ribbon! Wouldn't mind winning the dandy candy.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful layouts...

Zoey and the furballs said...

Cute, cute, cute. I love the idea of downloading the file for the tag when using a black envelope. I think I'll have to scraplift that.

Sheila said...

What cute projects. Just love the Mickey card.

Laura said...

love your work!!!!!
I am already a follower.

Lynne said...

wonderful layouts, I love Disney

ajandfour said...

Great layouts. I really love the tigger one with the person's face in the cut out. I am going to have to scraplift that one for sure.
Thanks for the chance to win. I follow you.
fourkidstwocats at msn dot com

cvjac2009 said...

tfs. love the card/lo.

cvjac at att dot net

Sandy Hentzel said...

Cute projects!!! TFS

Marianne B in AZ said...

Great LOs! I love Disneyland and even though I haven't been in several years, I have been there enough times I have lost track.

I am a follower who can be reached by the email link on my profile.

LesleyfromWI said...

Love the LOs. Love this hop as I have a ton of photos to scrap from our trip and getting lots of great ideas. TFS I am already a follower.
lfuchs1 at wi. rr. com

Christina said...

Love the layouts!!! Thanks for a chance to win!!

christina dot coen at gmail dot com

The Zones said...

We are going to Disney for Christmas this year. Thank you for the great ideas. I love your layouts.

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